10 Reasons why all men should meditate daily
While some men may not think of meditation as a masculine activity, in truth, there are many reasons why men […]
In this article we’ll look at the physiology behind breathing practice and sleep, and show you how to use breathing and mindfulness exercises to prepare the body for sleep and beat insomnia.
While some men may not think of meditation as a masculine activity, in truth, there are many reasons why men […]
There are many strategies from improving your quality of sleep: keeping a consistent sleep schedule, improving sleep hygiene, shutting off electronic devices. But perhaps the most powerful tool is
Stress is a basic fact of life, but armed with the right relaxation techniques and stress reduction exercises, it can
Explore the profound benefits of breathing practice on your health and vitality, and learn several simple techniques you can use right away.
Better health–including a healthy weight, strong bones and muscles, cardiovascular fitness, and high energy levels–are possible for men at any age. Don’t allow