About Man Over 40


At Man Over 40, we have a simple goal: To help men achieve the optimal physical health and well-being they were born to have.

If you’ve fallen out of shape and are looking to get it back, you need both education and inspiration. Man Over 40 is a great place to start. The site is full of evidence-based health, fitness, and nutrition content, written specifically to and for men. We make it easy and painless to get started on your path to reclaiming your health.

Man Over 40 is also a growing community of men who are looking to take control their health and live the best lives possible. You can find us on Facebook.

Unlike other fitness sites, we take a holistic approach to well being that includes physical and mental health and isn’t obsessed with the body builder image. From our vantage point, the goal is not perfection but steady improvement in all areas of one’s life.

If this message resonates with you, we hope you’ll sign up for our newsletter and see what we’re all about.

We’re helping to reclaim the health of modern men, and change the depressing stats in areas like obesity, diabetes, mental heath. Also, we strive to challenge the most harmful stereotypes of men as being hapless and not In control of their bodies and lives.

Who is the site for?

  • Men who are looking to get in shape, improve their fitness, and take control of their physical health and lives.
  • Men who refuse to accept the cultural stereotype of the out-of-shape and hapless middle-aged man.
  • Men who choose a different path, and push back against destructive cultural norms like the standard American diet, or the sedentary lifestyle spent behind desks and screens.
  • Men who are interested in cutting through nutritional fads and media chatter and making smart, evidence-based health choices.

The Healthy Man Newsletter is a weekly email that features the best of our original content, as well as curated content from around the web on men’s health topics.